Urgent! Sign Your Petition Now!

For the past three years, Colorado Democrats have pushed a ban on so-called “assault weapons,” and because of your help, we’ve successfully stopped them every time. …this time feels different. Fresh off a devastating passage of a statewide guns and ammo tax ballot measure, an overwhelming number of emboldened co-sponsors in both chambers and Michael […]
Rocky Mountain Gun Owners Announces Catching Valentinis as Director of Operations

DENVER, CO – Rocky Mountain Gun Owners [RMGO], the leading no-compromise gun rights advocacy group in Colorado, is thrilled to announce the appointment of Catching Valentinis as the organization’s new Director of Operations. His recognized expertise and robust experience in operational management and political advocacy mark a significant stride for RMGO in fortifying its influence […]
How to testify in against the 2024 “Assault Weapons” Ban

The Colorado “Assault Weapons” Ban will be heard in a House Judiciary Committee at the capital on Tuesday, March 19th, at approximately 10:00 a.m. Make sure to at least sign up to testify online or, better yet, in person. You may be waiting for a long time for your turn to speak, but it WILL […]
Rocky Mountain Gun Owners File Lawsuit Challenging Colorado’s “Ghost Gun” Ban

Rocky Mountain Gun Owners Refiles Lawsuit Challenging Colorado’s Unconstitutional Firearms Waiting Periods

Rocky Mountain Gun Owners makes good on months-old promises by refiling a lawsuit against the recently enacted minimum three-day waiting period scheme, arguing the constitutionally of the law.
Obama-appointed Judges Rules in Favor of Rocky Mountain Gun Owners

Gun control extremists get a reality check as the Tenth Circuit DENIES Governor Polis’ motion to reverse RMGO’s recent preliminary injunction halting SB23 -169 from becoming the law of the land in Colorado.
Rocky Mountain Gun Owners Goes on Offense in Legal Action

Rocky Mountain Gun Owners Goes on Offense in Legal Action Rocky Mountain Gun Owners’ Motions for a Temporary Restraining Order in Case against 18 to 20-Year-Old Gun Ban. Thursday, August 03, 2023 DENVER, CO – Today, Rocky Mountain Gun Owners [RMGO] filed a Temporary Restraining Order [TRO] against SB23-169, as the law goes into effect […]
Grassroots Activism Defeats Gun Control: The Full Story of the 2023 “Assault Weapons” Ban

Michael Bloomberg has an estimated net worth of around $70 billion, making him one of the richest men that has ever lived. As a wealthy elite, he is naturally disgusted by the idea of people he sees as lesser than him being able to own and bear firearms. Therefore, he uses his wealth to ensure […]
MEMO: Minimum Waiting Periods Will Derail Gun Shows and Private Sales

In theory, gun shows and private sales could still happen under the new law, but we will likely see them go the way most online retailers conduct business. Here is how we expect the law to play out.
“Commie Mommies” Fail Hilariously in an Effort to Turn Out Thousands and Ban All Weapons

Rocky Mountain Gun Owners laughs at the lackluster showing from anti-gun moms in an effort to ban all guns.