“Commie Mommies” Fail Hilariously in an Effort to Turn Out Thousands and Ban All Weapons
Rocky Mountain Gun Owners laughs at the lackluster showing from anti-gun moms in an effort to ban all guns.
Monday, June 5, 2023
DENVER, CO – Today, Rocky Mountain Gun Owners [RMGO] acknowledges the massive failure of the communist movement “Here4TheKids,” a group of self-proclaimed “woke white women” that organized a microscopic gathering on the West Steps of the Colorado State Capitol, urging Governor Polis to sign a complete weapons ban and gun buyback program.
Members of the media have widely reported that only a few hundred “commie mommies” showed up to support this half-baked proposal, after “Here4TheKids” guaranteed more than 25,000 people would be in attendance.
“It is clear that even the most far left of Colorado voters do not support any type of gun ban, especially one to this magnitude,” said Taylor Rhodes, Executive Director of Rocky Mountain Gun Owners. “After spending thousands of dollars, knocking countless doors for months, and even getting Hollywood involved, this group of “commie mommies” couldn’t even turn out enough “woke white women” for a Karl Marx book club, let alone a political rally that would, in theory, repeal the Second Amendment,” Rhodes continued.
Rocky Mountain Gun Owners will remain vigilant in opposing any attempt to upend the Second Amendment and will meet any type of gun ban with immediate legal challenges.
Rocky Mountain Gun Owners is a 501(c)(4) organization headquartered in Loveland, Colorado, with a mission to hold politicians accountable and achieve maximum liberty for an individual to defend themselves, their family, and their property without having to ask the government for permission to do so. Since its founding in 1996, RMGO has led the fight against anti-gun politicians with the support of more than 200,000 members and grassroots activists statewide.